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Pain cake=crepe - gouters et desserts


    Nb de personnes :1 à 2 personnes
    Temps de cuissons :45mn
    Temps de préparation :10mn
    Difficulté :Moyen
    Type :Gouters et desserts

    Les ingrédients

    1cup of flour
    1 cup water
    4 big sponn of milk..powder
    1 teaspoon baking powder
    4 big spoon sugar
    1 teaspoon oil


    .. put all the ingredients in the bol
    then mix all and
    put small butter in the pain hot.you can make little.
    little.for exemple.
    every coking small tranch butter and one bigs spoon of paw.
    it\'s finish you can put chocolat in the face.or jam .

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