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Tononkira Wall - ROLF


Three men are waiting for something they don’t know, inside a shad or something like that, four walls surround them like a big hat, one of them is darker.
Three sticks as skinny as smelling as sweating, from end to end they’re wondering what’s happening? From a tiny window they caught sign of a watchtower firing squad coming down!

Oozing and dribbling and smelling wall!
Frightening apalling alarming terrifying wall!
Dream about destroying this fucking wall
Desperately trying to see through this wall!

The youngest one is suffering a breaking up, an intent gaze his eyes are blown up, floods of tears run on his chicks, he panics.
Hopeless, one of them tries to comfort him but shouts drawn the sound of the voices, they hear some aproaching footsteps and each one is saying “is it my turn?”


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